The color temperature is the black body and the different colors produced by different temperatures. The color temperature of the light source is determined by comparing its color with the theoretical thermal blackbody radiator.
In fact, the color temperature can be simply understood as the temperature of the color. Let's take a look at the different degrees of color temperature:
Different color temperatures correspond to different colors, so the approximate temperature can be judged by the color. For example, metal workers can judge the temperature of molten iron based on the color. The human brain has different performances at different color temperatures: it will be more energetic under high color temperature (daytime) lighting, and will be calmer under low color temperature lighting.
Some common examples in life:
1700K: match light, flame
1850K: candle light, sunset and sunrise
2550K: Incandescent lamp (tungsten lamp)
3000K: Common color temperature of halogen lamps and yellow light lamps
3200K: Studio lights
3350K: Studio CP light
4000K: natural light, moonlight, light yellow fluorescent lamp
5000K: horizon daylight
5500K: Electronic flash, average daylight
6000K: positive white light
6500K: Common white light fluorescent lamp color temperature
6500K-9500K: LCD, CRT screen
15000K-27000K: clear blue sky
Our main application of color temperature is the most common aspects such as sunlight, lighting, photography and so on.